Homeopathic treatment for migraine headache can be effective and fruitful treatment on severe headaches that are caused due to migraine. If you have migraine, then don’t worry you are not alone there are numerous peoples in the world who has migraine.
Welcome to the blog, this blog will help you to find different homeopathic treatments for migraine headache, this blog will also guide you to manage your headache and discomfort that is causing due to throbbing headache.
Homeopathic Treatment For Migraine Headache : Homeopathy For Migraine
This blog is complete guide on what migraine is? What are its symptoms? How is it caused? and related homeopathic treatments to treat migraine headache. This article will provide you with long lasting and natural ways to treat migraine, natural homeopathic treatments has least side effects and has delayed but long lasting effects as compared to allopathic medicinal treatments.
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What Migraine is?
Migraines are type of severe pain in head, this pain generally occurs due to recurring headache accompanied by additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound, light and increase in aggressiveness. Some peoples go through cycles of headache because of visual disturbances.
This pain is generally throbbing which occurs on one side of the head. The intensity of headache may vary in different peoples, based on different factors and causes of migraine. Migraine headache can last from few hours to entire day, so proper treatment should be taken to avoid this pain. Homeopathic treatment for migraine headache addresses both physical and mental pain of the individual.

Symptoms Of Migraine
- Nausea and vomiting ,
- High sensitivity to light, sound and sometimes smell. Due high sensitivity person can cause severe headache.
- Throbbing , intense and pulsing pain on both the side of the head,
- Sudden headache on visual disturbances lie flashing lights or blind spots, that stimulate headache in many cases,
- Weakness during and after migraine attack, most of the peoples feel low and disturbed after migraine attack.
Let’s find out Causes of Migraine,
- Food habits can be the main reason to trigger migraine like aged cheese, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and smell of alcohol can trigger migraine.
- Hormones are responsible for overall healthy well- being of the individuals, fluctuations in hormonal levels can lead to migraine.
- Caffeine can be one of the reason to cause migraine excessive or low intake of caffeine can cause migraine, most of the time body becomes addicted to caffeine and if required amount of caffeine is not provided to the body then it may alter headache in individual.
- Disturbance of sleep cycle, lack of sleep or over sleep can trigger migraine.
- Fluctuations in weather changes surrounding pressure which can lead to headaches.
- Homeopathic treatment for migraine headache
It is important to understand severity of migraine can vary from person to person depending on its causes and intensity of pain, so accordingly treatment is designed for the individual.
Top 6 homeopathic treatment options to treat migraine headache
Homeopathic treatment for migraine headache reduce frequency of migraine attacks naturally.
- Belladonna
Belladonna is naturally obtained crud drug, it is used when sudden pain in right side of the head occurs, this pain is majorly accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound. Some of the facial expressions can detect symptoms of migraine like red face, dilated pupils, red eyes.
- Sanguinaria
This herbal drug is used with migraine pain is associated with neck, shoulder and then brain. Pain arises from right side in shoulders which is further passed on to neck which ultimately reach head and cause headache.
This kind of migraine can be identified with other symptoms like nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to zigzag lines.
- Nux vomica
Nux vomica is extracted from seeds of strychosnux vomica tress. Nux vomica has great importance in homeopathy. Migraines that are triggered by stress, overwork or excessive intake of caffeine or alcohol are treated with the help of nux vomica.
Symptoms like sensitivity to strong smell, light are also associated with migraine which can be treated with nus vomica the natural drug.
- Spigelia
Spigelia is the flower that has herbal properties to treat headache in migraine. Left sided migraines with sharp, stabbing pain that radiates towards eye can be treated with spigelia.
Most of the times this pain can lead to redness and pain in the eyes. This pain can worsen with motion, noise and light.
- Gelsemium
This plant and flowers of this plant has significant importance in homeopathy and it is known to show results in migraine, neurological disorders, uterine pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
This are used to treat migraine that comes with the feeling of fatigue or weakness.
- Natrummuriaticum
This is used to treat migraines related to emotional grief, emotional imbalance, hormonal changes particularly in pregnancy and menstruation cycle. Migraines that feels like something is being hammered on the skull, or something is causing sharp intense pain in skull, this often starts with visuals that attract and later cause pain in head.
Conclusion of Homeopathic Treatment For Migraine Headache:
Yes, migraine can be pain full and irritating if not treated, but there are various preventive measures available in the market to treat them. Like wise if you wish to get long lasting relief and say permanent goodbye to migraines then homeopathic treatment is the best approach.
This blog will guide you with complete information about migraine staring from its exact meaning, its causes, its symptoms and different ways to treat migraine by homeopathy. Consulting homeopathic practitioner for a comprehensive approach is often recommended, especially if migraines are severe or frequent.
Are there side effects of using homeopathy for migraine?
Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted, which reduces the risk of side effects. However, some individuals may experience a temporary worsening of symptoms before improvement. It’s advisable to work with a certified homeopath to avoid incorrect dosing or remedy selection.
Can homeopathy be used alongside conventional migraine treatments?
Yes, homeopathy can often be used alongside conventional treatments. However, it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about any homeopathic remedies you are taking, especially if you’re using prescription medications, to avoid any potential interactions.
Are homeopathic medicines available over the counter for migraines?
Yes, many homeopathic remedies for migraines are available over the counter in pharmacy shops. However, since homeopathy is individualized, it is recommended to consult with a homeopathic practitioner for the most effective and appropriate remedy.