Ayurvedic medicine for constipation has least side effects, and give maximum results to treat constipation. Constipation can cause feeling of discomfort, and if it persist it may affect daily well-being of the individual. In Ayurveda, constipation is studied on the basis of doshas, it occurs due to imbalance in Vata Dosha. Particularly due to Vayu Dosha, which means downward flowing energy.
3 Dosha’s in Ayurveda–
- Kapha,
- Vata,
- Pitta.
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Ayurvedic Medicine For Constipation : Ways To manage Constipation
Ayurveda address constipation by treating gut health and digestive health. This treatment aims to balance vata dosha and restore digestive hormony.
- Consuming warm, moist and properly cooked food.
Ayurvedic medicine for constipation offers various natural remedies to stimulate bowel movement. Favoring consumption of food that is properly cooked and easy to digest. Moist food easily gets swollen through the esophagus and enters digestive system.
Moist food easily gets mixed with the saliva and mucus present in digestive system. This easily breaks down large food particles into smaller particles. Avoid cold, dry or processed food items.
- Fiber enriched food.
Fiber improves digestion and gut health. Fiber enriched food items like oats, barley, fruits like apples, pears, papaya and green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, cabbage has high fiber content which helps to improve digestion in the gut and prevents acid reflux to occur.
- Increase hydration and healthy fat content in the body.
Drinking warm water improves bowel movement in the body. Along with warm water, consumption of herbal tea is best for relieving constipation.
Avoid cold and carbonated drinks, carbonated drinks disturbs normal functioning of gut and causes acid reflux and constipation.

- Herbal remedies for constipation.
Isabgol: also called Psyllium husk, this acts as natural fiber supplements, that provides ease for stool formation and stool movement through the colon.
Isabgol has water retaining properties which increases water content in the body, easing bowel movements.
- Triphala.
It is the combination of three fruits namely, Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki.
These three fruits are recommended ayurvedic formulas for constipation, these improves balance vata dosha and helps to promote healthy bowel movement.
- Senna.
Senna acts as natural laxative and smoothens stool.
- Alovera.
Alovera has moisturizing properties, this alovera provides hydration to the body, smoothens digestive tract and ease bowel movement.
- Castor oil.
Castor oil is the natural laxative that stimulates bowel movement. It is advised to be taken before bed to stimulate bowel movement in the morning.
Lifestyle and routine to deal with constipation
Lifestyle changes and alteration in food habits can definitely help to treat constipation like-
Abhyanga- Abhyanga is the oil massage therapy that improves digestion. Sesame oil applied on the abdominal area to soothe vata and stimulate digestion.
Following regular routine– regular routine is very essential for normal functioning of the body. Get early in the morning, go to the bed early and at fix time, encourage bowel movements daily at the fix time, maintaining schedule helps body cycle to function effectively and smoothly, without causing any adverse effects to the body.
Yoga and physical exercises-practicing yoga poses like Malasana, Vajrasana, Pawanmutasana, are essential to stimulate healthy digestion in individual.
Good food habits!
Ayurvedic medicine for constipation gives maximum results without affecting normal functioning of the body. Fennel is the best natural fruit to improve digestion, fennel and cumin tea is advised to the peoples with constipation, this tea can keep food digestion healthy for entire day. Consuming Fennel fruit after meal is recommended by most of the physician to improve bowel movement.
Ghee has healthy fats in it, adding a spoon of ghee in warm milk and consuming this milk at night before sleep helps with lubrication and regular bowel movements. Ghee has healthy calories that provide immunity to the body, to fight against various toxins that enter the body.
Pranayama and meditation that calms,
Pranayama and meditation helps to keep body and mind calm, practicing pranayama like Anulom Vilom that increases nostril breathing and bhramari that is humming bee breath, these keeps balance on vata ,indirectly benefiting digestion.
This article states importance of Ayurveda in constipation, dealing with constipation and possible ways to manage constipation. Ayurvedic medicine for constipation has shown great advancement in medications that are naturally derived. This article studies best possible ways that helps to treat constipation naturally. Natural ways to alter bowel movements in the digestive system is focused in this article.
Can ayurvedic medicines treat constipation?
Yes, ayurveda has advanced in 21st century with number of medications available to treat constipation. Crud drugs like funnel,ajwain, cumin, ginger, and many more are available. This crude drugs if combined with warm water and consumed gives maximum results to treat constipation.
What is ayurvedic approach to chronic constipation?
Chronic constipation is treated by first identifying the root cause of constipation, which could be a long term vata imbalance or other doshik imbalances. Dietary remedies like triphala, castor oil, lifestyle changes and panchakarma, detox therapies are recommended for chronic constipation that lasts for long term.
What is the ayurvedic view on constipation?
Ayurveda views constipation as are result of an aggravated vatadosha, which leads to irregularity in bowel movements, specifically imbalance in apanavayu which means downward moving energy. Colon passage gets dry which causes difficulty for the stool to pass towards anus.
Is Triphala safe for long- term use?
Yes, triphala is naturally derived so it does not have severe side effects and considered safe for long term use in Ayurveda. Triphala not only helps in constipation but it has number of uses like it is natural detoxifier, it rejuvenate body tissues and improve immunity of the body, so it’s not harmful of consuming triphala for long-term use.