Understanding Obstetrics vs Gynecology

It is very important to understand obstetrics vs gynecology .It is very important to understand the difference between these two professions. This article will distinguish the myth and confusion related to these professions, and will provide a complete information on obstetrics vs gynecology.

Obstetrics is the branch of science that deals with care of pregnant women in pregnancy. They provide complete care to the pregnant women from detection of pregnancy to delivery and till postpartum period. They monitor the pregnancy stages in the female starting from monitoring embryo implantation to the inner membrane, to fetus developmental stage, health and progress of the fetus, labor pains during delivery of the baby, and postnatal care of the baby.

Obstetrics provide postnatal care to the baby in form of instruction during the pregnancy and also after the pregnancy which particularly deals with baby health care after delivery. They provide set of instructions to the mother about the care that should be taken by here in here pregnancy period.

Obstetrics VS Gynecology : Service provided by Obstetrics

  • Antenatal care: this care is provided by obstetrics throughout the pregnancy. Mother and child is monitored throughout pregnancy. Sonography, blood group tests, genetic conditions are checked.
  • Delivery: they monitor mother and child care during delivery, they ensure that both mother and child are safe, includes oxytocin level in body, vaginal discharge, and other complications.
  • Postnatal period: is also called as postpartum period which deals with immediate period of time after the child birth, i.e. 3- 4 weeks after the child birth.
    • This time period is very important to the mother as well as child to recover from this entire physiological change and development. In this period mother is trained with suitable series of exercises to keep her body shape as it was before, they also provide instructions on food habits and importance of maintaining healthy diet in this period to remain healthy and free from diseases.
    • Pregnant women’s are more susceptible to diseases in this period. Obstetrics provide importance of breastfeeding the new born child with mothers milk also explain its scientific importance to the mother. Mothers milk is enriched with Ig E anti bodies which act as barrier from harmful foreign  agents to enter the body of new born child and protects it from diseases.
    • Many females experience baby blues after and during final stages of pregnancy, these are mood swings, fatigue, nausea tic feeling due to hormonal changes after pregnancy. Monitoring postnatal check ups, mothers typically visits obstetrics in 3- 4 weeks after delivery to check health status of mother as well of child, monitor cesarean recovery of the mother, growth in child.
    • Obstetrics provide birth control measures to the women after pregnancy, gives information on the birth control contraceptives, in order to control population in the country they are provided with importance of family planning, women’s with episiotomy undergoes pain during sex after delivery. Such women’s should visit obstetrics to have communication with healthcare provider and find solution to this discomfort.

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Obstetrics VS Gynecology : Service provided by Gynecologist

Gynecologist are the medical doctors that are dealing with female reproductive system. They have complete knowledge of female reproductive system, including ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and breasts. They diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate diseases related to female reproductive system, and provide care and information to problems related to menstruation cycle, menopause, fertility.

They have specialization in:

  1. Reproductive health.
  2. Preventive care: includes regular examination of pelvis, breasts, STD, cancers.
  3. Surgical procedures: they perform surgeries, operate females with hysterectomy, cyst or fibroid removal, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS, delivery of babies.
  4. Sexual health: provide STD counselling and prevention of STD. Importance of contraceptives to prevent such diseases.
  5. Sexual dysfunction.

Gynecologists has complete information of female reproductive system. They address every concern of females related to any reproductive condition. Some gynecologist can also be obstetricians.

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