Treatment for Brown Pigmentation on Skin 2025

Brown Pigmentation on skin is very common problem nowadays. Pigmentation on skin is formed due to excessive melanin deposition and formation on the skin. Pigmentation refers to formation of dark patches on the skin or development of uneven skin tone. This is caused due to excess of sun exposure, acne or pimple scars that remains on the skin, as a part of healing process and also due to hormonal imbalance in the human body. Population with dark under tone or medium skin tone are highly prone to pigmentation because their body is already a reservoir of melanin pigment.

Causes of brown pigmentation:

  1. Excessive sun exposure: sunrays has harmful UV B rays that penetrate the skin and enters the epidermis of the skin. forming a brownish layer on the skin commonly referred to as tan on the skin. sunburn or sun patch can also arise on various parts of face most probably on the cheeks and face.
  2. Insufficient hydration of skin: Skin can dry and start forming flaky and itchy texture. This occurs due to insufficient amount of moisture and oil in body. Water keeps body hydrated and moisturized.
  3. Hormonal imbalance: Females go through imbalance in hormones during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause which leads to dryness of the skin and also discoloration of the skin leading uneven skin tone in females.
  4. Chemicals and their adverse effects: long term use of chemical cosmetics on skin can cause redness, pimples, acne prone skin, rashes, which after due course of time develops into pigmentation.

How to remove pigmentation from face permanently?

brown pigmentation

Treatments Available For brown Pigmentation

If you are someone facing pigmentation on skin, don’t worry you are not alone. There are many peoples in this world with same problem all over the world. It is the common skin condition, also there are several treatments available for this skin condition. Let’s understand them,

Acid treatment:

In this treatment skin is washed with different acids, this acids removes the external damaged skin, exfoliates and shed it of. After shedding the damaged skin new cells replace the old ones and makes skin shinny, soft, and smooth.

There are many acids that are used as face acids and they are commercially sold as over the counter acids and are easily available in local medical stores. Acids like

  • glycolic acid– this acid primarily hydrates the skin and make it smooth and even tone,
  • Salicylic acid– this acid is used to treat acne prone skin, breakout on the skin, patches on the skin,
  • Kojic acid– this acid controls melanin formation on the skin, 2% kojic acid is most popularly used to treat pigmentation on the skin. kojic acid very effectively removes pigmentation from the skin,
  • Vitamin C– it is present in the form of ascorbic acid, which acts as antioxidant for the skin and prevents skin from oxidative deterioration, keeping skin healthy and nourished.

Chemical peels:

In this treatment chemicals are applied on the affected area, it is the quick method to get rid from brown pigmentation skin condition. Various chemicals are applied on the desired area, which in turn removes the uppermost layer of the skin i.e. epidermis. Epidermis serves as the protective layer of the skin and helps skin from penetration of harmful toxins or UV rays.

If these chemicals are very concentrated they may enter beneath the epidermis, and exfoliate the skin. skin starts to appear very clean, and dark spots free.

Though there are several side effects of this method like,

  • Rashes,
  • Redness,
  • Inflammation of the treated area,
  • Itching in the treated area.

This treatment is not suggested to the peoples regularly exposed to the sunlight, as it may worsen their pigmentation, chemical peeling makes skin more sensitive to the sunlight, which can cause hyperpigmentation. Glycolic acid peel off can be used, as it has less side effects.


In this treatment epidermis is removed using a thin abrasive brush like metal element. This treatment particularly aim only on the epidermis, and does not enter dermis or hypodermis. Highly trained dermatologist practice this method of treatment to remove pigmentation from the skin. though several rounds of visits and appointments will be required to complete the treatment.

Skin lightning creams:

Various over the counter skin lightning creams are available in medical shops. These creams are vanishing creams and when applied regularly before walking out in sunlight shows very effective result to remove pigmentation from the skin. This creams are enriched with hyaluronic acid. vitamin B12, licorice extract that is naturally available. These creams when applied once or twice in day can fade the dark spots and melasma. Skin lightning products are available in variety f formulation like gels, lotion, creams, mist.

Natural homemade remedies for brown pigmentation:

When honey is mixed with coffee and applied on the skin for 15 min helps reducing pigmentation. Coffee contains caffeine which plays a role of natural tan removal from the skin.

Lactic acid – which is present in yogurt is also a strong anti pigmentation agent, yogurt mixed with honey and turmeric and applied on skin for 20 min before rinsing, can effectively remove pigmentation from the skin.

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