Want to remove pigmentation from face? Pigmentation on the face is the growing issue in this century. Before knowing the permanent pigmentation removal solution it is every important to understand what exactly face pigmentation is? And how it is caused? Pigmentation deals with producing color on the skin, this color particularly refereed as dark brown color deposition on to the other surface of the skin. this color formation is due to the melanin deposition in the skin. melanin is the pigment that gives brownish color to the skin.
Root causes of face pigmentation-
Face pigmentation is harmless but can cause a lead reason for loss of self confidence and self- esteem. Face pigmentation can be caused by variety of factors lets discuss them,
Hormonal imbalance:
Hormonal changes mostly during puberty can cause skin melanin secretion disturbance leading to skin pigmentation. Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy in women is also the main reason of face pigmentation. Continuous administration on oral contraceptives can also cause hormonal imbalance in body leading to face pigmentation.
Acne or pimples on the face:
Some people having oily skin are easily affected by the acne and pimple problems. excess oil secretion on the face opens the pores present in the skin and form acne and pimples, which turns blackish brown as a part of skin healing, thus forming face pigmentation.
Genetic pigmentation:
Some population has genetic pigmentation from their childhood, which then eventually persist for longer period of time.
Sun exposure:
Prolong exposure of the skin to the harmful UV rays, boost the melanin secretion leading to the uneven skin tone.
Adverse effects of the face cosmetic products:
Some skin care products can cause rash, redness, inflammation or even clog the pores on the skin, causing dark spots and hyperpigmentation on the face.

The different natural remedies to permanently remove pigmentation from face-
- Coffee powder: coffee contains caffeine which act as main ingredient to naturally remove tan from face. Coffee powder when mixed with honey and applied on the face can be used to remove tan and pigmentation from face permanently.
- Yogurt: yogurt is enriched with lactic acid which act as natural exfoliating agent, apply for 15 min on pigmented area before rinsing it.
- Aloe Vera gel: regular overnight application of aloe Vera gel on the face, can help reduce face pigmentation permanently.
- Tomato: tomato is enriched with vitamin C, it acts as antioxidant. Tomato when applied on the skin directly increases the oxygenation of the skin, making skin look radiant.
- Potatoes: potatoes are enriched with starch, which act as natural bleaching agent on the skin. potato juice or potato slice can directly applied on pigmented skin for 12-15 min daily to permanently remove pigmentation from the face.
- Turmeric powder: turmeric is natural antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. Turmeric has healing power, used to heal skin injuries so as affected skin can be easily healed and repaired. Paste of honey, turmeric, and yogurt is applied on the skin for about 10-15 min to remove pigmentation.
- Apple cider vinegar: it is slightly acidic so it need to be diluted before use, apple cider vinegar diluted with water and then applied on the pigmented spots reduces the pigmentation rapidly.
Measures to prevent pigmentation-
Use of sunscreen:
Application of sufficient amount of sunscreen on face and body parts is very essential to prevent skin from tanning and pigmentation. Sunscreen with SPF 30-50 is ideal range of sunscreen, sun protecting factor plays an very important role for protection of the skin from sun.
Balanced Diet:
To promote healthy skin, one should consume food with high proteins content, a diet with high antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Sufficient intake of water:
Water keeps body as well as skin hydrated. Make sure to drink sufficient amount of water, daily approximately 5-6 liters. Water helps to remove harmful toxins from body and keeps skin glowy, smooth, soft and radiant.