How to avoid pregnancy after sex is most asked questions after being physically intimate. Pregnancy can be a special experience and a happening event for the couples who really want to have a baby.
How to avoid pregnancy after sex home remedies? – after missing period naturally.
Healthy Fertilization and getting pregnant is all the natural and dynamic process. Many peoples plan getting pregnant with proper indications and techniques. But this is not same always some pregnancies are unwanted, so to prevent such pregnancies many women’s take contraceptive pills or practice any other methods to prevent such unwanted pregnancies. How to avoid pregnancy after sex home remedies are discussed under this article.
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Such question arises in the mind of individuals when one has gone through unprotected sex, or had intercourse without any contraceptive methods. It can be a mentally as well as physically stressful condition for the couple. There are some naturally made home remedies to combat such stressful conditions.
How does one get pregnant?
This is entirely a pure and natural process; couples make a entire planning of getting pregnant. Like a seed is sown in the soil, followed by water, minerals and nutrient supply to that sown seed. This seed further grows young in healthy plant. Similarly, fertilization is the key process to initiate the process of pregnancy. When male and female gamete fertilizes together it leads to formation of the embryo that further grows in the healthy baby.
There are various ways to avoid pregnancy :
How to avoid pregnancy after sex home remedies for unprotected intimacy? Let’s see
- Using condom before initiating physical intimacy,
- Track natural menstrual cycles, keep watch on the days, monitor cycles there are only a few dyad when female has high changes of getting pregnant if one keeps watch onto it, can effectively prevent pregnancy. This period is called as fertile window.
- Withdrawal method practice by men before ejaculation.
- Avoid physical intimacy is the surest and guaranteed method to avoid getting pregnant.
How to avoid pregnancy naturally?
Answer to this question will be addressed in detail in this article. If you have already had an unprotected sex, you might be worried about changes of getting pregnant. Here are some of the natural remedies to prevent pregnancy. It is important to keep in mind that this medical home remedies are not 100% reliable and have chances of successful pregnancy also. Various natural options are available to answer this question of how to avoid pregnancy after sex home remedies in detail. This home remedies are less reliable than that of medical options like contraceptive pills, or medical procedures.
Top 8 remedies to avoid pregnancy after sex home remedies
- Papaya
Papaya is considered as the heat generating fruit in the body. This fruit is having contraceptive properties. It is believed that eating papaya in large amount after physical intimacy can prevent chances of fertilization in the female.
- Ginger
Ginger induces periods in the female, it is responsible to generate heat and endometrial degradation in the uterus of the female. Ginger will increase warmness in the body, along with inducing periods it will boast skin structure, weight loss in the body. Consume ginger tea, twice in the day, add ginger in meals and make meal added with strong ginger.
- Dried figs
Include dried figs in your eating habits. Dried figs help to boost blood circulation in the body and boast temperature in the body, that helps to degrade implantation of embryo to the uterus. Add 2- 3 figs in the daily diet.
- Cinnamon
Cinnamon is considered as the best crude and natural drug to prevent pregnancy. It is found that eating cinnamon daily prevents pregnancy and even leads to miscarriage or abortion. Include cinnamon in the diet daily for some days after unprotected sex. Add cinnamon in tea, add pinch of cinnamon in the meal you eat. Its always recommended to consult gynecologist before including cinnamon in your diet to avoid pregnancy.
- Asafoetida (also known as hing)
Asafoetida generates heat in the body, consume Asafoetida in warm water for 2-4 days after unprotected sex. This will help to prevent pregnancy.
- Parsley leaves
Parsley leaves is the best herb to prevent unwanted pregnancy after intercourse naturally. It has no side effects. It is advised to eat parsley leaves boiled in water as in combination with tea.
- Neem
Neem leaves are the best naturalremedy to manage and avoid pregnancy after unprotected sex naturally. Neem leaves. Neem oil, or neem powder when injected into the uterus can kill sperms naturally. Nowadays neem tablet is also available to treat such conditions.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the most effective natural remedy to manage such unprotected sexpregnancy. It is found that vitamin C is enriched with the nutritional benefits and it interfere with progesterone hormone that supports implantation of embryo to the uterus. Consume 1000- 1500 mg of vitamin c twice for about 3-4 days. Make sure not to consume over the limit vitamin C as it can complete the conditions and lead to adverse reactions in the body.
Conclusion on How to avoid pregnancy after sex home remedies
If you are one who is looking for natural remedies to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Here are some of the ways to manage your pregnancy. Adopt any one of the remedy to avoid unwanted pregnancy after having unprotected sex. One should always consult a gynecologist before adopting any of the method above to prevent pregnancy.
One should understand the effects of this remedies can be short lived or may be not that reliable to trust on and may show changes of successful pregnancy. If any kind of reaction or adverse event is seen in the body, its recommended to discontinue the remedies immediately and consult a specialist gynecologist related to the conditions and problems that may arise after the pregnancy that as lead due to unprotected sex. It is always safe to consult doctor before going to home remedies to prevent pregnancy due to unprotected sex. It’s important to understand that results of this question how to avoid pregnancy after sex home remedies is not always accurate.
Are there any effective home remedies to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex?
No, there are no scientifically proven or effective home remedies to prevent pregnancy. Methods like drinking herbal teas, consuming papaya, or taking vitamin C have no medical basis and should not be relied upon.
What is the safest and most effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex?
The safest and most effective options are Emergency Contraceptive Pills: Available over-the-counter in most places (e.g., Plan B, Ella), Copper IUD: Insertion within five days of unprotected intercourse by a healthcare provider.
Can drinking certain teas or eating certain foods prevent pregnancy?
No, consuming specific foods like papaya, pineapple, or drinking parsley or ginger tea does not prevent pregnancy. These myths are not supported by scientific evidence and can give a false sense of security.
How long after unprotected sex can I take emergency contraception?
It totally depends on the contraceptives you are administration, typically it is effective after 3-5 days after unprotected sex.