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Wisdom teeth removal procedure can be painful during and after the surgery. Most of the peoples come up with difficulties to chew and swallow food after surgery. This article will resolve your concern related with “What to eat after wisdom teeth removal?”.
Wisdom teeth are last set of molar teeth that appears in the age between 17- 25. These teeth can cause pain and discomfort while coming so most of the people prefer removing wisdom teeth, to avoid the pain and discomfort caused during chewing the food. These wisdom teeth can also be benefitted sometimes, wisdom teeth gives extra power to the existing teeth to perform their function more effectively.
But most of the peoples in India choose to extract wisdom teeth, in order to ease their chewing process and avoid problems associated with wisdom teeth like impaction, infection, or overcrowding in the jaw.
Exact statistics on wisdom teeth extraction cases in India is not available but approximately 50 lakh peoples in India undergo wisdom teeth extraction process.
Wisdom teeth extraction process might have caused affliction to the other teeth and gum. So it’s very important to eat soft, nutritious foods that should be chew and swallow and won’t irritate the healing area. Healing time after wisdom tooth extraction may vary in different individuals according to age, sex and nutritious intake of that individual.
Also Read : Benefits Of Keeping Wisdom Teeth

What to eat after wisdom teeth removal : Recommended Top 5 foods
Many peoples are confused about what to eat after wisdom teeth removal and it’s recovery after extraction. After wisdom teeth extraction it is very essential to take care of teeth health, it’s important to focus on soft, easy to eat foods, that won’t irritate the surgical site or irritate healing sockets. Sometimes food particles get stuck in the surgical sockets that can cause inflammation in operated area. What to eat after wisdom teeth removal is key word .so here are some suitable Top 5 food options to treat these problems,
- Smoothies
Smoothies are the best alternative when solid meal can’t be chewed by the patient. Smoothies are enriched with nutrients, they make sure that, balanced diet is being provided to the patient which helps to boost recovery of the patient. Smoothies are highly versatile for healthy, balanced smoothie. Add fruits, seedless berries, green vegetables and protein source, protein source may be protein powder or protein enriched foods like soaked soybean, boiled eggs to the blend.
It is advised to add fruits in the smoothies, fruits added should be seedless. Seed containing fruits can cause harm to operated area, that may cause inflammation of the gums and bleeding of the gums. Using straw should also be avoided.
- Blended soups
Blended vegetables soups can work best in initial days after surgery. Blended vegetable like tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots can be enjoyed as soup. This soup is highly nutritious. Soup can be easy option to satisfy quick hunger, these are easy to consume, don’t require chewing, and do not contains fine bites like particles that can get stuck in the surgical area, so irritation in this area can be prevented.
Blended soups are easy to make and are packed with nutrient dense vegetables and fibers that are rich in macronutrients and micronutrients.
Blended soups should have paste like consistency and make sure that no vegetable chunks are left in the soup that may cause irritation to the operated area. soups are served lukewarm or cold depending on patient choice and ability to withstand pain. It is advisable to serve cold soup, so that it does not irritate operated area and patient can easily consume it.
- Bananas or mashed fruits
Bananas are soft, has sweet taste and can be easily mashed. Banana can be easily swollen after surgery without hurting operated area, if patients crave to get something sweet then mashed banana combined with some sugar and fresh cream can be best option, mashed peaches are easy to mash and digest. Peaches has unique taste that can satisfy quick hunger in operated patients.
Banana are rich in nutrients like vitamins, proteins, and minerals that provides quick healing of operated area.
- Ice cream or sorbet
Ice creams gives smoothing effects to the wounds on extraction of tooth. Ice creams are most probably suggested by doctors after dental treatments. Ice creams increases cooling effect in the buccal cavity which helps to relief pain and inflammation in the operated area along with corresponding tissues in mouth that may have gone through different procedures.
It is recommended to eat sugar free ice creams, because regular ice creams are typically rich in calories and sugar. Banana ice cream and ice creams made up of natural fruits is mainly suggest by doctors and health care practitioners.
- Scrambled eggs
Scrambled eggs are great source of proteins, these eggs are healthy and tasty food options to those who have went through tooth extraction. These food item is usually given to the patient once patient is able to chew soft food in small quantity. These eggs are high source of vitamins like vitamin A and B12, proteins and minerals like zinc, magnesium, selenium and so on.
Consuming boiled eggs helps to boost immune system and wound healing ability of patient. Most of patients feel full after eating scrambled eggs that helps to avoid overeating.
Conclusion of What to eat after wisdom teeth removal
It is important to know what to eat after wisdom teeth removal. This article is complete guide for those who had just removed their wisdom teeth, it’s very important to choose nutrient food and soft texture food, that will help to boost recovery of operated area and help prevent discomfort and will keep your tummy full. This diet plan is recommended by most of the dentist after surgery one needs to follow it regular after tooth extraction to see desired effects and recover wound as soon as possible. It’s ideal to make a list and follow to know what to eat after wisdom tooth removal.
This article also guides those who are planning for wisdom tooth extraction, this article will help to stock kitchen with all above mentioned food items, so that patient will not have to rush to market to buy all these stuff after surgery.
What I can eat immediately after wisdom teeth removal?
After the procedure it’s best to stick to very soft foods like applesauce, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and mashed veggie soup. After eating food that is crunchy, hot or spicy it can irritate the gums.
When can I drink coffee after extraction?
You should wait at least 24- 48 hours before drinking hot coffee, as the heat can cause discomfort or disturb the healing process. Cold or room temperature coffee may be okay sooner.
Can I drink alcohol after wisdom teeth removal?
Its best to avoid alcohol for at least 24-72 hours, especially if you’re taking pain medications or antibiotics, as it can interfere with healing process.
Can I drink smoothies or shakes?
Yes, smoothies and shakes are great options. However, avoid a straw, as suction can dislodge the blood clot and lead to a painful condition called dry socket.