Ectopic Pregnancy- 5 Tips To Avoid It With IVF

Ectopic Pregnancy- 5 Tips To Avoid It With IVF

An infrequent but impactful complication of IVF is ectopic pregnancy. This article emphasizes the techniques to understand how to avoid ectopic pregnancy with IVF. Ectopic pregnancy is a scarce condition that can significantly affect the success rate of IVF-based pregnancies.

Ectopic pregnancy

What is ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is just the opposite of a normal pregnancy that takes place in the womb of the mother. In Ectopic pregnancies, a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the uterus. Such pregnancies are not safe and cannot develop into a viable pregnancy.

In this condition fertilized egg implants in the endometrial lining, fallopian tube, or any other part of the female reproductive system like the cervix, ovary, or abdominal cavity other than the uterus. Such a condition can be dangerous to the mother as well as the fetus’s life.

Although ectopic-pregnancy is less common and seen in IVF pregnancy, than in normal conception for women with fallopian tube injury, it is nonetheless a cause of concern. Anyone going through IVF pregnancy should be aware of ectopic-pregnancy and its complications to take the required precautions to reduce the risks associated with the pregnancy.

Can IVF prevent ectopic pregnancy – frequency of Ectopic pregnancy in IVF.

In vitro fertilization is the most common process that has soon risen in such Ectopic pregnancy cases all over the world. In India, the risk associated with in-vitro fertilization that leads to Ectopic-pregnancy is similar to the global trends, ranging from 2% to 5% of IVF pregnancies.

What is the cause of ectopic pregnancy in IVF?

1.   Fallopian Tube Damage: Women are more vulnerable to ectopic pregnancy if they have a history of damaged uterine walls called endometriosis, uterus infection, tubal infection, or operation. In such conditions, women’s bodies oppose the implantation process which forms ectopic-pregnancy.

2.   Embryo Migration: Although the embryo is transferred to the uterus for implantation and growth of inner cell mass, there are possibilities that the embryo may get shifted to the other parts like a fallopian tube, cervix, or ovaries after IVF transfer of the embryo.

3.  Several Embryo Transfer: Transferring several embryos raises the risk of both ectopic-pregnancy and heterotopic pregnancy at the same time. Heterotopic pregnancy is the condition in which intrauterine pregnancies take place.  

4.   Abnormal Uterine or Tubal Anatomy:

Ectopic implantation may result from congenital anomalies or reproductive tract scarring.

How to avoid ectopic pregnancy risk in IVF?

Before finding a solution to, how to avoid ectopic-pregnancy with IVF? Let’s understand that in IVF it is found that the transfer of fresh embryos to the uterus leads to the probability of high-risk ectopicpregnancy of ~1.98% as compared to the frozen embryo transfer of ~1.01%. This change in digits is due to hormonal influences on the uterine environment.

Here are strategies to answer how to prevent ectopic-pregnancy with IVF,

1.   Through Pre-IVF Assessment:

  • ·      Tubal Evaluation

This is the test performed to evaluate the condition of the fallopian tubes. In this test, a saline sonogram or hysterosalpingography (HSG) test is performed to evaluate the risk associated with the implantation of the fertilized egg. Damaged or non-functional tubes need to be fixed.

  • ·      Surgical Interventions:

Before IVF, a Salpingectomy can be practiced. In this condition, tubes are surgically removed, as in cases of severely damaged or hydrosalpinx fluid-filled tubes. This process significantly reduces the risk of ectopic-pregnancy.  

2.   Optimal Embryo Transfer Technique:

The embryo is significantly and carefully transferred in the uterus using ultrasound waves, which guide the position of the fertilized embryo in the uterus cavity. To avoid embryo dislocation catheter manipulation is refrained.

3.   Reduce the Number of Transferred Embryos:

Practice single embryo transfer, mostly in the pregnancies that are being carried in young patients. In such pregnancies changes in IVF’s successful rate are high so extra care and precaution are taken to avoid ectopic-pregnancy.

4.   Early Monitoring Embryo:

The embryo’s position in the uterus can be detected in the initial stage of pregnancy using transvaginal ultrasound, between weeks five and six of gestation.

Monitoring abnormal pregnancies using HCG readings is the aid to detect early signs of ectopicpregnancy.

5.   Detect the root cause of the condition:

Address the root cause like uterine abnormalities, fibroids, or endometriosis that may interfere with embryo implantation. Perform tests to detect the infections and rate of inflammation in the reproductive tract, as it may change the favorable conditions inside the body that are essential for embryo implantation in the uterus.

How to identify ectopic pregnancy?

Certain physical changes in the body can be early symptoms of ectopicpregnancy like

·      Sharp, stabbing abdominal or pelvic pain,

·      Vaginal bleeding or spotting,

·      Dizziness, fainting, or signs of shock in case of ruptures,

·      Shoulder pain that is caused by internal bleeding that can irritate the diaphragm.

How to treat Ectopic pregnancy?

In some cases, ectopic-pregnancy can occur even when proper care and precautions are taken so in this condition early detection is necessary, like

1.   Medical Management:

2.   Surgical intervention:

Surgical excision may be required if the ectopicpregnancy ruptures or is progressed.

3.   Future planning:

To lower the risk of recurrence in later IVF cycles, your doctor can modify your treatment plan following an ectopic pregnancy.


Although Ectopic pregnancy is an uncommon side effect of IVF, in this article comprehensive detail on how to avoid ectopic-pregnancy with IVF is discussed. The risk can be reduced with meticulous preparation, in-depth assessments, and adherence to recommended procedures. Working together with an expert and experienced fertility doctor guarantees that every attempt is made to create a pregnancy that is both safe and healthy. Not all IVF pregnancies lead to ectopic-pregnancy, there are very few cases that lead to such a condition. 

No, there are no scientifically proven or effective home remedies to prevent pregnancy. Methods like drinking herbal teas, consuming papaya, or taking vitamin C have no medical basis and should not be relied upon.

The safest and most effective options are Emergency Contraceptive Pills: Available over-the-counter in most places (e.g., Plan B, Ella), Copper IUD: Insertion within five days of unprotected intercourse by a healthcare provider.

No, consuming specific foods like papaya, and pineapple, or drinking parsley or ginger tea does not prevent pregnancy. These myths are not supported by scientific evidence and can give a false sense of security.

It totally depends on the contraceptives you are administering, typically it is effective after 3-5 days after unprotected $ex.

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